
Desert and Rain Forest Stefani

Desert Biome

            The desert is a vital environment to live in and takes up 33% of the worlds land. With less than ten inches of presipitation per year and rocks and sand forming a rough ground, not many things can survive in this environment. Those who do must adapt to the low percipitation rate, and the wide range of the crutial heat, due to the low rate of humidity, the desert can be as high as 113°f durring the day time, and as low as 32°f durring the night. That means that the animals adapt to eating at night and finding a shelter to sleep under its shade durring the day, thus they become noctunal in order to survive, also it would be less likley to be prey at night. This gives the animals a higher survival rate.
            These shelters may include cactus, shrubs, or small trees. The majority of these plants have adapted to the strange desert climate by having an economical water managment system, this system means that the preportion of photosynthesis is higher than "normal" plants without this system which also produces a carbon fixation of C4 instead of C3, which is a more recent adaptation to plants. The cacti, a plant of the cactaceae species, and other plants have adapted by creating a waxy coating which contains the water stored within which was colected from the complex root system. Like the cacti other plants also contain areoles which not only prevent the cacti from being eaten, but also provide shade, and minimize flow of air. Desert is vague description since there are arid, semi-arid, cold, coastal, hot, and dry deserts and many more. Located in North-America, South-America, Africa, Southern-Asia, and other regions all over the world, the desert suports life no mater how harsh of a climate.


Rainforest Biome Adaptations

  • Jaguars can stay up in a tree for months if there is a flood.
  • A Spider Monkeys tail is used like a limb and they can hang suspended from it, or to swing with.
  • If Tucans have to fit into a smaller area they can curl up into a small wad of feathers.
  • Leaf cuter ants can suport fifty times their weight in leaves, and cary it back to their home.
  • Boa Constrictors also use the camoflauge method like the camilion to capture prey.
  • Carnivorous plants have two main clasifications, active, and pasive traps.
  • Some plants can make flowers look similar to insects.
  • Carrion plants look colorful to atract insects to be polinated, but they smell terrible.
  •  Epiphytes use other plants and trees to grow to the canope of the forest to get the best nutrience possible.
  • Tropical leaves have more defined tips to shed water so they dont grow things such as fungi.


Deserts by Mike and Nick

The scorching sun and bone-dry environment makes survival a daunting task. Few organisms are fit for life in the driest biome on earth, the desert. With an average yearly rainfall less than 25 centimeters, all organisms require adaptations to survive in the dry climate. Cactuses, Jack rabbits, Kangaroo, and Camels are among the few organisms that nature selected for life in the harsh desert environment. 

Cactuses have adaptations that allow them to collect a surplus of water in the rare event of a rainstorm. The stem of cactuses are 90 percent water (Fridell, p90). This allows the cactus to survive periods of drought which can last over a year. Prickly spines, instead of leaves, is a successful trait that helps the cactus survive.

Biomes of the World